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무수혈 치료, 환자 혈액 관리 관련 학회를 소개합니다.


Society for the Advancement of Blood Management

The SABM Learning Institute is an online center where both patients and medical professionals can access the latest news and advances in Patient Blood Management and Bloodless Medicine and surgery. The SABM Learning Institute features ongoing and new continuing educational videos with post tests for credit for medical professionals.SABM’s Learning Institute also features links to high quality Patient Blood Management publications for download as well as tools related to Patient  Blood Management program implementation.Also featured are recent academic publications on Patient Blood Management subjects from both SABM members and other globally recognized experts

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Network for Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives

ATA, the Network for the Advancement of Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis (formerly the Network for the Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives), was formed in 1998 by a group anaesthesiologists, intensive care specialists, surgeons, haematologists and transfusion medicine specialists concerned with blood conservation techniques. Their expressed goals were to promote improved use of blood components and transfusion alternatives in everyday clinical practice and to encourage the open exchange of information and scientific data within and between healthcare teams worldwide.

NATA is unique in that it provides a multidisciplinary forum for dialogue between haematologists, blood bankers, anaesthesiologists, surgeons and other healthcare professionals interested in promoting best clinical practice in the fields of patient blood management, haemostasis and thrombosis. Recently NATA’s mission statement — “Promoting optimal patient blood management, haemostasis and thrombosis in everyday clinical practice through a multidisciplinary approach” — was modified in order to better reflect the various clinical issues encountered in the management of anaemia, bleeding and thrombosis.

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Physicians and Nurses for Blood Conservation

Every day every hour, there are people in hospital theatres and operating rooms undergoing surgical procedures; some very traumatic such as in the instances of accidents and others are scheduled like surgeries to corrects defects or incase of bodily damages which result from the prevalence of diseases such as kidney transplant. When these surgical procedures are carried out, massive blood loss results and the basic way of replenishing it is through blood transfusion.

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Transfusion Alternatives Patient Blood Management

Our community investigates, reports, and discusses the latest techniques in transfusion alternatives and appropriate blood management.

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Asia-Pacific Society for Patient Blood Management

In 1405, an expeditionary fleet of 62 ships and 27,800 sailors under the command of Admiral Zheng He, set sail from the Ming dynasty of China to visit the “Occident.” The expedition continued to make contact with Indian, Arabian, and East African countries until 1424, when the Ming Emperor died. Some 70 years later, the expeditions of Christopher Columbus (1492, Spain) and Vasco da Gama (1497, Portugal) left for the “Orient,” heading for Japan, China, and India in search of spices and gold. And in 2015, yet another “fleet” is about to set sail with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of healthcare in Asia.
Throughout the 20th century, donor blood transfusion has proved to be a double-edged sword in medicine. Physicians in East Asia saw the need for a pan-Asian society to share their experiences and cooperate within the framework of a multidisciplinary forum to further transfusion alternative medicine in the region. As a result, the Asian Society for Patient Blood Management (ASPBM) was established to facilitate and advance the implementation of PBM strategies to improve patient outcomes for some 4.3 billion patients in 43 countries in the region. 

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KRSTA / 대한수혈대체학회

Korean Research Society of Transfusion Alternatives 

The Korean Research Society of Transfusion Alternatives (KRSTA) is a scientific society for anyone affiliated with patient blood management. It reasearches various clinical strategies to reduce the use of allogeneic transfusion to a minimum, or completely replace it if possible. It's goal is to establish a standard of care for the alternatives to blood transfusions according to the community's current needs, and to promote that standard of care. KRSTA hopes to minimize complications of blood and blood products, help manage inadequate blood supply, and give useful information about blood conservation. 

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